Product Sprint
Strategic planning, aligning objectives, opportunities and solutions to turn vision into results.

Inspired by Google's Design Sprint, the Product Sprint is an innovative approach aiming to establish a common understanding of the context in which an organization operates, in order to clearly identify the next objectives to be achieved in relation to software development. This process takes the form of workshops and the duration varies according to each customer.
The Product Sprint workshops are designed not only to clearly define the objectives, but also to explore the opportunities and hypotheses conducive to their optimal realization. User tests are also carried out during the process to obtain initial validation of the hypotheses. The result? A clear, structured game plan that accelerates software development and helps achieve objectives.
Refonte de l’application web : UX 2.0
Refonte de l’application web : UX 2.0
Refonte de l’application web : UX 2.0
Refonte de l’application web : UX 2.0
Refonte de l’application web : UX 2.0
Refonte de l’application web : UX 2.0
Why should you do a Product Sprint?
Do you have an idea of a problem that your users need to solve? You know what the solution is, but you'd like to fine-tune it? How much will this solution cost? What are the technological risks involved? These are classic questions that the Design Sprint helps to answer.
The Design Sprint is essential to avoid disorganized action. It gives you visibility of the objectives to be achieved, the project stages and deliverables, helping you to develop the right product for your users while minimizing the risks of delays and cost overruns.

Diminution temps de livraison

Diminution temps de livraison

Diminution temps de livraison

Minimizing development risks
Thanks to our team's technical recommendations, the Product Sprint enables you to mitigate the technological risks associated with your project.

Maximize your return on investment
The Product Sprint enables us to focus on business and user needs, and to develop only the features that will deliver maximum value within your budget.

Accelerate time to market
The Product Sprint enables us to prioritize the features that will add the most value for the user, so as to speed up time-to-market.

Benefit from additional expertise
The synergy between the various experts means that decisions can be made more quickly on the project's strategic and technological orientations.

Roadmap of functionalities to be developed in priority.
Technical recommendations to mitigate the main risks.
Wireframe interface proposals.
High-level information architecture of the product to be developed
Assessment of the scope of work required to achieve the game plan

Diminution temps de livraison

Diminution temps de livraison

Diminution temps de livraison

Clearly define your objectives and opportunities, followed by a roadmap, before starting to develop features.

The opportunity tree
Opportunity is an important concept in workshops. Opportunities refer to problems or needs experienced by users. If there is no problem to solve, there is no product required!
The opportunity tree represents a mapping method designed to identify and list the opportunities offering the best chance to achieve our objectives. Our role is not to capture every possible opportunity, but rather to target those that bring us closest to our goals and generate value for both the company and its users.
To do this, we begin by drawing up an opportunity inventory using a tree structure. This approach enables us to clearly visualize the links between desired results, identified opportunities and envisaged solutions.

Diminution temps de livraison

Diminution temps de livraison

Diminution temps de livraison

Need help with your software strategy?
The 4 stages of a Product Sprint
We start with an exploration and discovery phase to gain an in-depth understanding of your business and the specific objectives you're seeking to achieve. This enables us to establish a common basis for contextualizing the opportunities and solutions to be realized.
We assess each opportunity in terms of its value potential for your users and your business, ensuring that priorities are allocated where they can have the greatest impact.
Identifying solutions
With opportunities clearly identified and prioritized, we move on to developing solutions. We design specific strategies to exploit each opportunity, relying on targeted experimentation to validate and refine each idea.
Action plan
The result is a clear and concise action plan, accompanied by wireframes, technical recommendations and an information architecture that provides a trajectory for achieving objectives and implementing solutions.
What does a Product Sprint actually look like?
Before the workshops begin, we'll be holding a short meeting with you to discuss the next steps. It's also at this meeting that you'll be able to give us access to documentation that might give us more context on the project. Although quick, this meeting greatly helps to accelerate and optimize the value of the workshops that follow.
Rencontre de préparation et découverte
Lors de cet atelier d'introduction, nous visons à aligner l'ensemble des parties prenantes sur le projet. Il s'agit d'une opportunité pour réunir les experts impliqués dans le projet, afin de s'assurer que nous partons tous sur les mêmes bases solides, avec une compréhension commune des objectifs, de la vision et des risques associés au projet.
Refonte de l’application web : UX 2.0
Refonte de l’application web : UX 2.0
Refonte de l’application web : UX 2.0
Refonte de l’application web : UX 2.0
Refonte de l’application web : UX 2.0
Refonte de l’application web : UX 2.0

Identify business objectives and user needs
Discovery workshop: sharing a common vision of the project.
Empathy workshop: understanding users and their needs

Define opportunities
Opportunity workshop: identify opportunities that will have a major impact on users and your organization.

Develop the solution
Co-design workshop: transform your ideas into sketches, user flows or diagrams to obtain a shared vision of the envisaged solution, taking into account your technological challenges.
Story mapping workshop: Translate ideas into requirements, describing and prioritizing the functionalities to be developed.